Every day is made up of small victories.
When you wake up well rested before both kids and you are able to get bottles ready, coffee made, and the Today Show on before they wake up.
When you actually get somewhere on time!
When you finally get that stubborn booger out of your kid’s nose. It’s a big one!
When you only have to tell them “no” once and they actually mind you.
When you get that loud burp from your newborn. Without spit up. So satisfying.
When you only have to use one wipe on that dirty diaper.
When both kiddos are clean, fed, happy and quiet for more than 5 minutes.
When he eats everything on his high chair tray and there is no food on the floor or in his lap/chair.
When you accidentally make a loud noise in the kitchen while he’s sleeping in the bouncy seat and he doesn’t even stir.
When you walk into his room in the morning or after a nap and he has the biggest smile on his face and squeezes your neck.
When you get through the day wearing white and there are no visible stains, dirty finger prints, or food splatters.
When they help clean up toys.
When you are able to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine and some chocolate after everyone has gone to bed.
Hang in there, mama. Take heart in those little victories that get you through the day, I sure do. Feel free to share your victories below! 🙂
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