We are almost to Ben being seven months so I think it’s time for us to cover month 6 – a lot of it has happened through this sixth month so I’m combining these two months.
Weight: Over 19 lbs!
Height: 28.5 in
Diaper size: Size 3
Clothing size: Still 6-9 month clothes
Nicknames: Ben, Benny Boo Boo
Health: He has been doing pretty well this month, still has a little cough but the Dr. checked him out and said it is normal for this time of year!
Sleep: UGH. Just when we think we have the routine set and think we are the best parents in the world b/c both our kids are sleeping through the night, God decides to throw us a curveball. Every night (more like early morning) this week, Ben has decided the best time for him to wake up is around 4-4:30 AM. I can’t complain too much because he wakes up in the best mood, with those big blue eyes staring at you and his sweet little voice talking…a lot.
Diet: We have incorporated lots of food in his diet! He loves bananas, apples, and squash. Ben isn’t so sure on peaches or green beans just yet! Aunt Mel gave him cotton candy at the rodeo and it was a big hit 😉
Loves: Social interaction. Splashing/Kicking in the bathtub. Reading books. Going on walks. Putting anything and everything in his mouth.
Dislikes: Being on his tummy and not being able to reach his toys
Other Random Things:
Ben went to the rodeo for the first time this month and he seemed to like it 🙂
He has gotten much stronger at sitting and doing a great job!
Just when we thought Ben couldn’t be more vocal, he has started saying “mamamamama” and acting like he’s trying to talk to us #allthehearteyes
We started swimming lessons for both boys last week and Ben loves the water!
He got his first tooth! It just seemed to show up one day out of the blue – didn’t seem to be in pain or anything. I’m thinking the next one is coming soon based on the way he is drooling like crazy!
Read about Ben’s previous monthly updates here:
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
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